What event will wake-up the device after going to deep sleep in the example "esp8266-weather-station-color.ino"?
I tried a setting to go to sleep after a minute, but once in sleep mode, touching the screen does not wake-up the system.
It looks like after ESP puts the whole system to deep sleep, then TFT device' TOUCH_IRQ output (that suppose to wake-up back ESP processor on next touch) does not change to low level anymore.
Since I just wanted after 10 min to turn the screen with its LED back light OFF and then ON on next touch, instead of sleep I used the low level' screen commands + toggle LED pin. This way, the system still runs and it is up to date even while the screen is off:
tft.writecommand(ILI9341_DISPOFF); // instead of ESP.deepSleep(0, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT);
digitalWrite(TFT_LED, LOW); // turn off the back light
Then for screen back ON:
digitalWrite(TFT_LED, HIGH);
screen = 0;
Of course, you need to find your desired spot to add the ON (wakeup screen) code :) I used an extra condition if (p.y > 250) in the touching processing section
if (touchController.isTouched(500)) { ....
Thank you