0 votes
in ESPaper by (220 points)

I have an ESPaper kit, showing the weather. Using espaper.com I could customize it for my local weather.

I would like to add personal data to the screen but I couldn't find a way to do this. For example, I wanted to fetch my solar production from https://emoncms.org/, it is a simple HTTP GET request returning the data as plain text.

Is this feature planned in a near future?


1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.9k points)

This is similar to https://support.thingpulse.com/1113/espaper-limited-customization?show=1115#a1115

We have been thinking about such features, yes. However, we cannot give you reliable indication as to if and when we will implement that.

it is a simple HTTP GET request returning the data as plain text.

Depending on the remote resource authorization and authentication can often be a problem. Apart from that there are other security aspects that need to be addressed if you allow users to fetch arbitrary remote resources into an application.

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