23:19:32.895 -> ***Time before connecting to WiFi 1301
23:19:32.895 -> Reconnecting
23:19:32.966 -> WiFi connect..............................
23:19:36.998 -> NTP sync.
23:19:37.280 -> Current time: 1568344777
23:19:37.280 ->
23:19:37.280 ->
23:19:37.280 -> ***Time before going to fetching data 5714
23:19:37.698 -> Drawing /screen
23:19:37.731 -> File /screen not foundRotation: 1, XPos: 0, YPos: 0, Source width: 296, height: 128, target width: 128, height: 296
23:19:39.570 -> Current free heap: 39768
23:19:39.570 -> Updating firmware from:
23:19:39.570 -> Scheme: https
23:19:39.570 -> Host: www.espaper.com
23:19:39.570 -> Port: 443
23:19:39.570 -> Path: /public/devices/*******/firmware
23:19:39.570 -> Using secure WiFi client
23:19:39.570 -> [HTTP] configuring server root cert in client
23:19:39.680 -> MFLN supported: no
23:19:39.680 -> Free sketch space: 425984
23:19:42.316 -> Status code after firmware update: 0
23:19:42.316 -> HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED Error (-100): Not Enough space
23:19:42.316 -> Saved values in data file.
23:19:42.350 -> Updated firmware. Restarting.
23:19:42.420 ->
23:19:42.420 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
23:19:42.420 ->
23:19:42.420 -> load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
23:19:42.458 -> tail 8
23:19:42.458 -> chksum 0x2d
23:19:42.458 -> csum 0x2d
23:19:42.458 -> v8b899c12
23:19:42.458 -> ~ld
23:19:42.495 ->
23:19:42.495 -> Boot sequence arrived in setup()
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Client Version: "CLIENT_VERSION" ********
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Device Type: "Espaper29Bw" ********
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Screen Type: "" ********
23:19:42.495 -> Display Settings. CS: 15, RST: 2, DC: 5, BUSY: 4
23:19:42.872 -> Current free heap: 42512
23:19:43.677 -> Checking FS
23:19:43.711 -> WIFI_SSID = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> WIFI_PASS = [***************]
23:19:43.711 -> UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINS = [20]
23:19:43.711 -> TIMEZONE = [America/Montreal EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0]
23:19:43.711 -> NTP_SERVERS = [0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org,2.pool.ntp.org]
23:19:43.711 -> DEVICE_ID = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> DEVICE_SECRET = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> Loaded config
23:19:43.711 -> TOTAL_DEVICE_STARTS = [1]
23:19:43.747 -> SUCCESSFUL_DEVICE_STARTS = [1]
23:19:43.747 -> LAST_NTP_SYNC_TIME = [1568344777]
23:19:43.747 -> STARTS_WITHOUT_NTP_SYNC = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> LAST_CYCLE_DURATION = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> ACTION_AFTER_REBOOT = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> Loaded data file
23:19:43.747 -> Saved values in data file.
23:19:43.747 -> Button state: 1
23:19:43.747 ->
23:19:43.747 ->
23:19:43.747 -> ***Time before connecting to WiFi 1301
23:19:43.747 -> Reconnecting
23:19:43.819 -> WiFi connect..................................................
23:19:49.865 -> NTP sync.
23:19:50.138 -> Current time: 1568344789