0 votes
in ESPaper by (380 points)
edited by
Hi guy's!

I've just updated one of my Espaper and it stock at 'Firmware upgrade in progress...'

Any hints?

by (380 points)
After a while, It display 'Failed to update time from internet (NTP)
by (19.9k points)
This "sounds" like a WiFi connection issue. Are you in a position to hook it up to a computer to read the serial output?
by (380 points)
23:19:32.895 -> ***Time before connecting to WiFi 1301
23:19:32.895 -> Reconnecting
23:19:32.966 -> WiFi connect..............................
23:19:36.998 -> NTP sync.
23:19:37.280 -> Current time: 1568344777
23:19:37.280 ->
23:19:37.280 ->
23:19:37.280 -> ***Time before going to fetching data 5714
23:19:37.698 -> Drawing /screen
23:19:37.731 -> File /screen not foundRotation: 1, XPos: 0, YPos: 0, Source width: 296, height: 128, target width: 128, height: 296
23:19:39.570 -> Current free heap: 39768
23:19:39.570 -> Updating firmware from:
23:19:39.570 ->     Scheme: https
23:19:39.570 ->     Host: www.espaper.com
23:19:39.570 ->     Port: 443
23:19:39.570 ->     Path: /public/devices/*******/firmware
23:19:39.570 -> Using secure WiFi client
23:19:39.570 -> [HTTP] configuring server root cert in client
23:19:39.680 -> MFLN supported: no
23:19:39.680 -> Free sketch space: 425984
23:19:42.316 -> Status code after firmware update: 0
23:19:42.316 -> HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED Error (-100): Not Enough space
23:19:42.316 -> Saved values in data file.
23:19:42.350 -> Updated firmware. Restarting.
23:19:42.420 ->
23:19:42.420 ->  ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
23:19:42.420 ->
23:19:42.420 -> load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
23:19:42.458 -> tail 8
23:19:42.458 -> chksum 0x2d
23:19:42.458 -> csum 0x2d
23:19:42.458 -> v8b899c12
23:19:42.458 -> ~ld
23:19:42.495 ->
23:19:42.495 -> Boot sequence arrived in setup()
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Client Version: "CLIENT_VERSION" ********
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Device Type: "Espaper29Bw" ********
23:19:42.495 -> ******** Screen Type: "" ********
23:19:42.495 -> Display Settings. CS: 15, RST: 2, DC: 5, BUSY: 4
23:19:42.872 -> Current free heap: 42512
23:19:43.677 -> Checking FS
23:19:43.711 -> WIFI_SSID = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> WIFI_PASS = [***************]
23:19:43.711 -> UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINS = [20]
23:19:43.711 -> TIMEZONE = [America/Montreal EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0]
23:19:43.711 -> NTP_SERVERS = [0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org,2.pool.ntp.org]
23:19:43.711 -> DEVICE_ID = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> DEVICE_SECRET = [*******]
23:19:43.711 -> Loaded config
23:19:43.711 -> TOTAL_DEVICE_STARTS = [1]
23:19:43.747 -> SUCCESSFUL_DEVICE_STARTS = [1]
23:19:43.747 -> LAST_NTP_SYNC_TIME = [1568344777]
23:19:43.747 -> STARTS_WITHOUT_NTP_SYNC = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> LAST_CYCLE_DURATION = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> ACTION_AFTER_REBOOT = [0]
23:19:43.747 -> Loaded data file
23:19:43.747 -> Saved values in data file.
23:19:43.747 -> Button state: 1
23:19:43.747 ->
23:19:43.747 ->
23:19:43.747 -> ***Time before connecting to WiFi 1301
23:19:43.747 -> Reconnecting
23:19:43.819 -> WiFi connect..................................................
23:19:49.865 -> NTP sync.
23:19:50.138 -> Current time: 1568344789
by (380 points)
Maybe that?
23:19:42.316 -> HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED Error (-100): Not Enough space
by (380 points)
Got it. I have to put  2M (512k SPIFFS) instead of  2M (1M SPIFFS)

Now it work!


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.9k points)
selected by
Best answer

Even though you figured it out yourself before we could - well done! - I still write up a quick answer so we can mark this as resolved.

I took the liberty to redact your serial monitor output (replaced device id/secret with *******).

It's exactly as you said. "HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED Error (-100): Not Enough space" means there wasn't enough memory to fit the downloaded firmware alongside the existing firmware. Over-The-Air updates work by placing the new firmware next to the existing one and then rebooting from the new one. Since the ESPaper Client binary is just slightly over 500KB it needs more than 2*500KB on the device outside SPIFFS. As the client stores only small configuration files on SPIFFS it is ok that it's reduced to 512KB.

I guess you found that information at https://github.com/ThingPulse/espaper-client/#setup.

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