I have a SQUIX Color Weather station that worked perfectly until WunderGround discontinued their 'free' API. I have been trying to find the correct Arduino Sketch/Libraries etc. to load so that I can continue to use the Weather station. I have read the ThingPulse ESP8266 WiFi Color Display Kit guide but it does not help. Specifically following the "Install the ESP8266 toolchain" section does not identify the specific package I need from GitHub. I have downloaded and unzipped "esp8266-weather-station-color-master.zip". When I try to compile the Arduino sketch "esp8266-weather-station-color", it throws an error "Error compiling for board LOLIN(Wemos) D1 mini Pro" which is the board identified in the guide for the Color Display Kit. Just for grins I set the board the "NodeMCU" and it also fails. I installed the "esp8266" board (v2.4.2) in the IDE as described in the guide. ?? Anyone have experience going from the SQUIX code to the ThinkPulse code?