...and now it works like a charm! See debug output below. Thanks for your help!
Another question: Is it possible to configure the screen to show more following meetings on the right side? Because this meeting room is normally empty and we have just about 2-3 meetings per week.
(skipping the first lines)
WiFi connected
IP address:
Current time: 1552375050
Time difference between local timezone and UTC: 3600
Connecting to: calendar.espaper.com:443
Connected to calendar.espaper.com:443
GETting /filter/index.php?cal=
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Header: Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 07:17:30 GMT
Header: Server: Apache/2.4
Header: Upgrade: h2,h2c
Header: Connection: Upgrade, close
Header: Content-Length: 350
Header: Content-Type: text/calendar;charset=UTF-8
Parsed content Length: 350
Parsed event 'X Daily
' from 1552387500 - 1552388400 by ''
Found future event 'X Daily
HTTP content-length: 350, total received bytes: 535
Current meeting: '', epoch: 0
Next meeting: 'X Daily
', epoch: 1552387500
Date 1: 2019/02/12
Date 2: 2019/02/12
Is same day: true
Writing buffer
full init
***********set register Start**********
***********set register end**********
Going to sleep for 2400sec