Hi Marcel,
I see what you mean, the Thingpulse kit names are rather similar and I mangled the kit names in my opening post. Ok, starting over, I have two Thingpulse kits: the ESP8266 WeatherStation Classic with the OLED display, and the ESP8266 ColorWeather Station with the LCD display. I had no trouble at all getting the ESP8266 module of the ESP8266 WeatherStation Classic to connect to my wifi router. I cannot for the life of me get the Wemos D1 Mini Pro module of the ESP8266 ColorWeather Station to connect. I have checked and re-checked the settings.h file, there are no unusual characters or extra spaces in the SSID or the p/w. I do see that there are additional wifi commands in the ESP8266 ColorWeather Station sketch that are not in the ESP8266 WeatherStation Classic sketch:
Why would these be necessary? Isn't the same ESP8266 core on both the ESP8266 WeatherStation Classic board and the Wemos board? And what is the purpose of the WiFi.hostname command?
Continuing on, using the correct Thingpulse kit terminology, the ESP8266 module of the ESP8266 WeatherStation Classic shows up in my router list of connected devices as ESP_ZZZZZZ where ZZZZZZ is an alphanumeric, I suspect unique to the module. I would expect the Wemos board to also show up in the router list in a similar fashion. I do not see any entry in the router device list corresponding to the Wemos.
I know the sketch is compiling and uploading properly, at least for driving the LCD, as I get the Thingpulse splash screen and the progress bar graphic, but since a wifi connection is not being made the sketch never gets any further.
I cannot tell if this is a hardware problem or a software problem, so I've ordered another Wemos D1 Mini Pro board to help isolate the problem.
Let me know what you think, Marcel. Again I apologize for the confusion with the kit names. I hope this is more clear now.