0 votes
in ESPaper by (510 points)
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I was able to get the unit running fairly easily. Problems with getting the openweather city location, but worked that out. Old Weather Underground was much easier.  Connected without problems the first time out. BUT, when it tries to restart after 20 mins, it says it cannot reconnect to wifi! I disconenected frommy wifi and connected to the and itshowed that my credentials were already in the SPIFF file, and they were correct. The ESPAPER unit shows the connection at around 30% so I moved the unit next to the wifi (78%) and turned it on, it connected the first time, but lost connection after 20 mins. I think the key is that when I turn the unit off, then ON it connects but then might not reconnect after 20 mins.  Ocasionally it does reconnect automatically. Not very often. Second problem is that ocasionally the current temp shows as 0 with the forcast tems being correct.  I love the CASE and the large screen. I also have the wifi color kit and do NOT have problems with wifi, but itdoesn't go to sleep either. I also tried upping to 50 tries and 1000msdelay.. No help
by (19.9k points)
Would be interesting to see what you get on the serial console. Maybe you can try forcefully disconnecting from WiFi at https://github.com/ThingPulse/espaper-weatherstation/blob/master/espaper-weatherstation.ino#L120 by calling `WiFi.disconnect();` and see what difference that makes.

"ocasionally the current temp shows as 0" - make sure you use the latest weather station library 1.6.2: https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-weather-station/releases/tag/v1.6.2. That issue was fixed in that version.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (510 points)
edited by

See FIX to my problem at the bottom of this answer

Disconnected from computer after applying patch and Ran espaper for 16 hrs on battery, always reconnected  09/3/18 12:06 PM     Thanks Marcel

********************  Responded 09/02/2018 4:18 PM Replacd password with XXXXXXX for security

as to the version I'm using... Latest commit 9407952  16 days ago

when I try to use the link you provided I get a 404

"We couldn’t find any repositories matching "


with my existing code ( NO disconnect added),

note I have added a few more prints and also changed the try loop from 20 to 50 and delay from 500 to 1000ms.

I recompiled the existing code and redownloaded into espaper unit. Connected after 3 tries

+++++++++++++++++++== Monitor output ++++++++++++++ updated at 1:54:02

NOTE. It always seems to connect after a download?

***********set register Start**********

***********set register  end**********

Loading config

WIFI_SSID = [William_Lynn]






OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_APP_ID = [53e79ffdfb91498a8adf0fd05c8525cb]






Loaded config

State: 1

[William_Lynn][XXXXXXXX]...Connected to WiFi

About to call OpenWeatherMap to fetch station's current data...

Getting url: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=4993125&appid=53e79ffdfb91498a8adf0fd05c8525cb&units=imperial&lang=en


[HTTP] GET... code: 200

start document

Getting url: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=4993125&appid=53e79ffdfb91498a8adf0fd05c8525cb&units=imperial&lang=en


[HTTP] GET... code: 200

start document

Waiting for time

DST Rules Updated:

DST Start: Sun Mar 11 02:00:00 2018

DST End:   Sun Nov  4 01:00:00 2018

WiFi: 44%

Min temp: 72.019997, max temp: 86.739998

Writing buffer

full init

***********set register Start**********

***********set register  end**********

Going to sleep

+++++++++++++ this was original compleated connection, the temp was OK shows as 82F  ++++++

################## 1st reconnect was successful at 2:13:23, also temp was OK at 82F #############

################2nd, 3rd and 4th Reconnects were NOT Successful  ###############################

NOTE: Only display one unsuccessful reconnect

***********set register Start**********

***********set register  end**********

Loading config

WIFI_SSID = [William_Lynn]






OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_APP_ID = [53e79ffdfb91498a8adf0fd05c8525cb]






Loaded config

State: 1


Connection Tries i= 51

    Could not connect to WiFi

Writing buffer

full init

***********set register Start**********

***********set register  end**********

Going to sleep

 #########  One Successfull reconnect, followed by Several UNSUCCESSFUL attempts.

NOTE:  I made your suggested change

 ( Add your suggested change WiFi.disconnect() after line 120 in main loop.

WORKED.  Ran for 10 updates and they ALL worked as expected. No Failures.

Thanks for your help.

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