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in WeatherStationClassic by (210 points)
January 26 2017 I signed up for the free Weather Underground API key. I am currently trying to get the "WeatherStationWithDHT22.ino" sketch to work. All seems to work fine except for no weather updates. Those screens are blank and the current outdoor temp has had the same reading (74.48 F, 37.00%) for about a week.

I have been to the Weather Underground website but could not find my answers so I am asking here.

My question is this, Are the people at the Weather Underground no longer honoring their older free API keys?

Also does this mean I should not attempt working on any other of the weather station sketches that include the Weather Underground informational requests?

Thank you

2 Answers

0 votes
by (19.9k points)
selected by
Best answer

Are the people at the Weather Underground no longer honoring their older free API keys?

We wouldn't know, sorry. Can I suggest you ask their customer support directly?

does this mean I should not attempt working on any other of the weather station sketches that include the Weather Underground informational requests?

We recommend you start working with the Open Weather Map clients. The Wunderground code has been deprecated, see https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-weather-station#deprecation-notes

0 votes
by (3.6k points)

You can easily test your key without using the ESP by entering this in your browser:




Answer OPEN if requested by the browser

by (210 points)
Thanks for the advise.

I do answer open when requested by the browser but nothing happens. What does all that mean?
by (3.6k points)
When you click on the example link above with London as a location the server will respond with an error, do you get that?
When you modify the same request to include your key and location then you’ll get a full weather report for tour location, this is what the programme is doing and then displaying the data. Doing these browser tests ensure your key and location is ok and then the programme should be working ok too.
by (210 points)
Actually when I click on the London example it downloads an unreadable (for me) file labeled London.json and when I change to my town (Massillon, Ohio) it downloads another unreadable (to me ) file labeled ohio.json
by (210 points)
Update, I just found a file reading program called Free File Viewer that will open these .json files and both the London request and my own city request return the exact same results

  "response": {
  "features": {
    "error": {
        "type": "keynotfound"
        ,"description": "this key does not exist"

So I am guessing that my API code from the weather Underground is no longer active and I can forget it, am I correct?
by (3.6k points)
Assuming your request contained your key then yes it appears weather underground have disabled your key, maybe this is another facet of their charge and unused keys for some set time are now disabled. Time to move to the owm version.
by (210 points)
I tried it again a couple different times throughout today, with the key, and I kept getting the exact same message "

  "response": {
  "features": {
    "error": {
        "type": "keynotfound"
        ,"description": "this key does not exist"

I am afraid you might be right to just move on to the owm version and since I have no idea how to do that it looks like I am done, whether or not I want to be done is irrelevant I got no choice.

Thank you everyone for all your help and advice.

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