0 votes
by (510 points)

I downloaded the latest file from github today (7/24/17) and it has a file called "TouchControllerWS.h" and doesn't include the XPT2046.h. file.

I'm using the SQUIX Color Kit and the previous ( Non-Touch) s/w worked great.

What to do?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (10.9k points)
Hi AdaBill.

You have to install the XPT2046 library from Paul Stoffregen by going to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries. Enter XPT2046 into the search field and you can install the library. I will update the instructions ASAP.

by (510 points)
edited by
I downloaded the library ( Why didn't I think of looking in Library manager) and it compiled without error. But the bad news is that it now comes up and seems to be running at several times the clock speed.  I seem to remember some other question about speed of updates, I'll go back and look at the previous solution.

The Original problem with the DPT library has been SOLVED .. Thanks.
by (510 points)
edited by
I had some wiring problems and the time seems to be OK, It changes if I touch the time.  12/24 hr clock.  In fact ANYWHERE  I TOUCH the time rotates ( 12/24 hr clock).  None of the other Touch areas seem to do anything except to change the clock style?

Would be good to have a Weather Station - Color - Touch area for Questions.
by (10.9k points)
I heard about similar behavior before but that was with other hardware than the one in my kit. But you are using the hardware from my kit and have still problems, right? I'm not really sure how to find the cause for this, since my board at home doesn't show this problem... Any insights appreciated!
by (510 points)
I am using a NodeMCU 12E rather than the WEMOS provided in the kit.  I didn't want to put the pins on the WEMOS until after I come up with a proper case.  The case I used from online didn't have space for the WEMOS with PINS so I just used an existing 12-E development board I already had made up and attached the whole thing to a breadboard with rubber bands.  I'd include a picture but don't see anyway to add photos in this forum.  It looks good from the front.  Presentation in 1/2 the project if you are planning on gifting the device to someone who doesn't appreciate pure electronics like my  8 year old Granddaughter.

I also notice that the system looses track of time and goes back to UNIX EPOCH time until the next update.  It continues on with the correct current temp and other data, just looses track of time?

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