Hi lorol,
I was starting to suspect something like that, especially after reading the XPT datasheet and noticing various options to read the data out for stability. At the moment I have it working ok, not great. I used the lower screen detection (was for 12h/24 h selection) and that appears more stable. I had added a print to output the p.x and p.y after a trigger and noticed that it was always the same screen location being detected. The p.y < 80 avoided that so it kind of working.
Now, I'm finding I have a different issue. The weatherstation appears to work properly but then I find that the current temperature stops updating after a few hours. If I reset the ESP8266 then it updates to the current conditions but a few hours later it stops updating. The time always updates correctly so I'm not sure whats going on. I'll have to dig in further.
Thanks for the info.