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in WeatherStationClassic by (320 points)
How can I use a 1.3 OLED with SH1106 Chip with WeatherStation Classic?

Those of us with older eyes, would like a slightly bigger display. I have a 1.3 OLED that works, but it must not have the SH1106 chip. The others I bought do.

Is there a simple, or a solution for the SH1106 chip?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (10.9k points)
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Best answer

I'm not quite sure if I understand you: does your 1.3" have a SH1106 chip or it doesn't? If it doesn't, which chip DOES it have? You wrote "but it must not have the SH1106 chip". If it DOES have the SH1106 (which I would expect from a 1.3" display) then follow these instructions: https://github.com/squix78/esp8266-oled-ssd1306#i2c-with-wireh

0 votes
by (320 points)
Whoops, my typing mistake. My issue is that my 1.3 OLED"s have SH1106. You link fixed my issue! Thanks!

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