Hi! here's my serial output:
4:33:12.080 -> ***Time before connecting to WiFi 1295
14:33:12.080 -> Reconnecting
14:33:12.147 -> WiFi connect.............................................................................................................................
14:33:25.668 -> NTP sync.
14:33:25.994 -> Current time: 1710268405
14:33:25.994 ->
14:33:25.994 ->
14:33:25.994 -> ***Time before going to fetching data 15212
14:33:25.994 -> Downloading resource from:
14:33:25.994 -> Scheme: https
14:33:25.994 -> Host: www.espaper.com
14:33:25.994 -> Port: 443
14:33:25.994 -> Path: /public/devices/781201ae-c77e-48d6-ae35-85cb04f5411a/screen
14:33:25.994 -> Using secure WiFi client
14:33:25.994 -> [HTTP] configuring server root cert in client
14:33:26.257 -> MFLN supported: yes
14:33:26.257 -> [HTTP] begin...
14:33:26.257 -> Connecting to www.espaper.com:443
14:33:26.257 -> Free mem: 31664
14:33:26.781 -> *** Can't connect. ***
14:33:26.781 -> -------
4:33:27.508 -> Writting image to screen
14:33:27.508 -> Waiting for display idle
14:33:27.508 -> Display ready
14:33:27.638 -> Waiting for display idle
14:33:29.280 -> Display ready
14:33:29.280 -> De-allocating frame buffer
14:33:29.280 -> Saved values in data file.
14:33:29.280 -> Free mem: 41024.
14:33:29.280 -> Start millis: 15212, start time: 1710268405, current millis: 18517 -> now: 1710268408
14:33:29.280 -> Going to sleep for: 60[s]