+1 vote
in ESP8266 WiFi Color Kit by (130 points)


I got myself a Spotify remote.

there were a few twists and turns during the compilation but I got there...

Dashboard side of Spotify no problem (I'm used to it).

When starting the ESP8266, it asks me to calibrate the screen and connect from a web page, the message "Successfully authenticated this device with Spotify. Restart your device now" is displayed.

If I restart the ESP8266 it asks me again to calibrate the screen, to connect to give me the same message.

And if I don't restart it the LED flashes non-stop.

This is what the Serial port gives me.

WiFi connected at IP address:

*** Memory stats after WiFi connection ***

Free heap: 35576

Max free block size: 35136

Heap fragmentation: 2

Waiting for NTP time sync: .

Current time UTC: Sat Oct 21 12:48:17 2023

*** Memory stats after 1st GFX commit ***

Free heap: 25760

Max free block size: 25528

Heap fragmentation: 1

*** Memory stats after SPIFFS mounted ***

Free heap: 25544

Max free block size: 25488

Heap fragmentation: 1

PIFFS opened: 

Calibration not available

dx: 0.077295, dy: 0.097205, ax: 0.000000, ay: 1.935738

SPIFFS started successfully

*** Memory stats after touch screen initialized ***

Free heap: 21808

Max free block size: 21752

Heap fragmentation: 1

Loading config

Failed to open config file

No refresh token found. Requesting through browser

Starting config portal

HTTP server started

MDNS responder started

Open browser at http://spoty.local

Serving resource '/'

Sending HTTP 302 to Spotify

Code: --------------------------------------

Stopping HTTP server

Stopping MDNS responder

Connection to accounts.spotify.com:443 failed; returning.

Refresh token: 

Access Token: 

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14312

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14200

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14312

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14208

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14424

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14200

connection failed


--------Response Code: 0

--------Free mem: 14536

What is the problem, how can I solve this? thanks in advance

by (19.9k points)
"Connection to accounts.spotify.com:443 failed; returning." - that's the issue I suppose. It might very well that current Spotify SSL implementation and the current Arduino Core require more memory than the ESP8266 has available.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (150 points)
I’ve got exactly the same problem.

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