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in Touch Interface by (150 points)

I just received my esp32 color kit grande


I am using Visual Studio code with platform.io


I was able to upload the image for the weather station to the esp32


However,  I do not have any of the color icons (sun, clouds, wind, and moon)


I am getting a lot of “file system not mounted” and “file not found”  errors when it is loading up(see below) … so I assume the bmp’s need to be copied to the esp32.


How can I correct this?    I am new to working with the esp32   so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

tnx, wendell

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16:20:12.077 > [  2331][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:12.077 > [  2583][I][connectivity.h:12] startWiFi(): Connecting to WiFi '3650'...

16:20:12.077 > [  2583][I][connectivity.h:14] startWiFi(): .

16:20:12.077 > [  2662][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1057] _eventCallback(): Reason: 202 - AUTH_FAIL

16:20:12.077 > [  2784][I][connectivity.h:14] startWiFi(): .

16:20:12.077 > [  2984][I][connectivity.h:17] startWiFi(): ...done. IP:, WiFi RSSI: -44.

16:20:12.077 > [  3053][I][util.h:83] initTime(): Synchronizing time.

16:20:12.627 > [  8055][E][util.h:87] initTime(): Failed to obtain time.

16:20:12.694 > [HTTP] Requesting resource at http://api.openweathermap.org:80/data/2.5/weather?id=4297983&appid=xxx&units=imperial&lang=en

16:20:12.765 > [HTTP] connected, now GETting data

16:20:12.893 > start document

16:20:12.921 > [  8348][I][main.cpp:355] updateData(): Current weather in Lexington: overcast clouds, 86.9°

16:20:12.992 > [HTTP] Requesting resource at http://api.openweathermap.org:80/data/2.5/forecast?id=4297983&appid=xxx&units=imperial&lang=en

16:20:13.099 > [HTTP] connected, now GETting data

16:20:13.170 > start document

16:20:19.093 > [ 14521][E][util.h:64] getCurrentWeekday(): Failed to obtain time.

16:20:24.093 > [ 19522][E][util.h:73] getCurrentTimestamp(): Failed to obtain time.

16:20:29.106 > [ 24535][E][util.h:73] getCurrentTimestamp(): Failed to obtain time.

16:20:29.208 > [ 24636][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:29.213 > [ 24636][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:29.323 > [ 24751][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:29.328 > [ 24751][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.338 > [ 29767][E][util.h:64] getCurrentWeekday(): Failed to obtain time.

16:20:34.344 > [ 29769][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [5] condition code: 804, hour: 21, temp: 82.4/82.4

16:20:34.351 > [ 29770][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [6] condition code: 804, hour: 12, temp: 69.1/87.6

16:20:34.361 > [ 29778][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [0] condition code: 500, hour: 12, temp: 67.9/85.1

16:20:34.367 > [ 29786][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [1] condition code: 500, hour: 12, temp: 67.6/83.5

16:20:34.406 > [ 29833][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:34.411 > [ 29834][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.446 > [ 29873][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:34.461 > [ 29873][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.488 > [ 29916][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:34.503 > [ 29916][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.530 > [ 29958][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:34.548 > [ 29959][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.682 > [ 30111][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:34.688 > [ 30111][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:34.717 > [ 30145][I][main.cpp:136] drawAstro(): Moon phase: Last/Third Quarter, illumination: 0.495252, age: 22.192570 -> image index: 24

16:20:35.864 > [ 31292][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:36.067 > [ 31494][I][util.h:83] initTime(): Synchronizing time.

16:20:37.257 > [ 32686][I][util.h:90] initTime(): UTC time: 2023-06-30 20:20:39

16:20:37.264 > [ 32686][I][util.h:108] setTimezone(): Setting timezone to 'EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'.

16:20:37.269 > [ 32688][I][main.cpp:308] syncTime(): Current local time: 2023-06-30 16:20:39

16:20:37.334 > [HTTP] Requesting resource at http://api.openweathermap.org:80/data/2.5/weather?id=4297983&appid=xxx&units=imperial&lang=en

16:20:37.400 > [HTTP] connected, now GETting data

16:20:37.470 > start document

16:20:37.497 > [ 32925][I][main.cpp:355] updateData(): Current weather in Lexington: overcast clouds, 86.9°

16:20:37.567 > [HTTP] Requesting resource at http://api.openweathermap.org:80/data/2.5/forecast?id=4297983&appid=xxx&units=imperial&lang=en

16:20:37.624 > [HTTP] connected, now GETting data

16:20:37.729 > start document

16:20:38.867 > [ 34295][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:38.872 > [ 34295][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:38.983 > [ 34411][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:38.988 > [ 34412][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.001 > [ 34429][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [6] condition code: 804, hour: 11, temp: 68.2/87.6

16:20:39.007 > [ 34430][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [0] condition code: 500, hour: 11, temp: 67.9/85.1

16:20:39.013 > [ 34435][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [1] condition code: 500, hour: 11, temp: 67.6/83.5

16:20:39.024 > [ 34443][I][main.cpp:185] drawForecast(): [2] condition code: 804, hour: 11, temp: 66.5/84.2

16:20:39.065 > [ 34492][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:39.084 > [ 34492][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.107 > [ 34534][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:39.111 > [ 34535][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.150 > [ 34576][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:39.166 > [ 34577][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.188 > [ 34616][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:39.193 > [ 34616][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.340 > [ 34768][E][vfs_api.cpp:24] open(): File system is not mounted

16:20:39.345 > [ 34768][E][GfxUi.cpp:26] drawBmp():  File not found

16:20:39.379 > [ 34806][I][main.cpp:136] drawAstro(): Moon phase: Waxing Gibbous, illumination: 0.906052, age: 11.837015 -> image index: 13


by (19.9k points)
You might have forgot to upload the file system image. Step 1 here: https://docs.thingpulse.com/guides/esp32-color-kit-grande/#upload-code-to-device. That builds an image of the /data directory and uploads it to the ESP32 thereby creating the on-device file system.
by (150 points)
Ah,   you are so correct!   I did that early on,  but it may have failed..   and since it said I only had to do it once,  I never tried it again.    it is working now.

much appreciate your response.


1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.9k points)
Best answer
Resolved as per the comments.

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