0 votes
by (360 points)
I’m building a Moon Phase Display using the following Libraries:

#include <SPI.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <RTClib.h>

#include <ILI9341_SPI.h>

#include <MiniGrafx.h>

It’s all working fine, except for one small problem, after using the greyscale code (from your MiniGrafx  DrawBMP example) I can never get any other color to display other than white for simple texts. I put the greyscale code in setup:

// create grey scale palette for greay image

for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

  palette[i] = ((i * 31 / 16) << 11) | ((i * 63 / 16) << 5) | ((i * 31 / 16));


 as in DrawBMP, and cannot get text to display in a different color:




gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Full Moon");

Any help would be appreciated!
by (19.9k points)
Sorry, we don't understand what the issue is. Can you please post the full project somewhere for us to replicate, thanks.
by (360 points)
// H/W: Wemos D1 Mini

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <ILI9341_SPI.h>
#include <MiniGrafx.h>
RTC_DS1307 RTC;      //3231 OR 1307

// defines the colors usable in the paletted 16 color frame buffer
uint16_t palette[] = {ILI9341_BLACK, // 0
                      ILI9341_WHITE, // 1
                      ILI9341_LIGHTGREY, // 2
                      ILI9341_DARKGREY, // 3
                      ILI9341_DARKGREEN, // 4
                      ILI9341_MAROON, // 5
                      ILI9341_PURPLE, // 6
                      ILI9341_OLIVE, // 7
                      ILI9341_NAVY, // 8
                      ILI9341_DARKCYAN, // 9
                      ILI9341_BLUE, // 10
                      ILI9341_GREEN, // 11
                      ILI9341_CYAN, // 12
                      ILI9341_RED, // 13
                      ILI9341_MAGENTA, // 14
                      ILI9341_YELLOW}; // 15

int SCREEN_WIDTH = 320;
int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 240;
int BITS_PER_PIXEL = 4; // 4^4 =  16 colors

#define TFT_DC D0
#define TFT_CS D3
#define TFT_LED D8

ILI9341_SPI tft = ILI9341_SPI(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);
MiniGrafx gfx = MiniGrafx(&tft, BITS_PER_PIXEL, palette);

uint16_t counter = 0;      // Used for fps measuring
long startMillis = millis();
uint16_t interval = 20;
//int color = 1;
String fps = "0fps";

String nfm = "";    // days to next full moon
//int moon_phase = mp;

void drawAbout();
void drawMoon();
void setup() {
digitalWrite(TFT_LED, HIGH);    // HIGH to Turn on;

// create grey scale palette for greay image
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
  palette[i] = ((i * 31 / 16) << 11) | ((i * 63 / 16) << 5) | ((i * 31 / 16));

  startMillis = millis();
  gfx.setRotation (3);

if (! RTC.isrunning()) {
Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!");
// following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled
// un REM the line below to set clock, then re REM it
// and upload this sketch again
//RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

#ifndef ESP8266
  while (!Serial); // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB

  if (! RTC.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC");

void loop() {

    DateTime now = RTC.now();

    Serial.println ("");
    Serial.print(now.year(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.month(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.day(), DEC);
    Serial.print("    ");
    Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.second(), DEC);
    Serial.print ("Moon Phase  ");
    Serial.println (moon_phase());
    Serial.print ("Next Full Moon  ");    
    Serial.println (nfm);

void drawMoon(void) {
int mp = moon_phase();


  if (mp == 1) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/1_WnG.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Wanning Gibbous");}
  if (mp == 2) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/2_Last.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Last Quarter");}
  if (mp == 3) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/3_WnC.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Wanning Crescent");}    
  if (mp == 4) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/4_New.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "New Moon");}
  if (mp == 5) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/5_WxC.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Waxing Crescent");}
  if (mp == 6) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/6_First.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "First Quarter");}  
  if (mp == 7) {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/7_WxG.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Waxing Gibbous");}
  if (mp == 0)  {
      gfx.drawBmpFromFile("/0_Full.bmp", 95, 55);
      gfx.drawString (160, 200, "Full Moon");}

      gfx.drawString (5,10, "NFM:");
      gfx.drawString (5,28, nfm);
      gfx.drawString (5,28, "     Days");


  const char* newNfm = (const char*) nfm.c_str();

int moon_phase(){        // calculates the age of the moon phase(0 to 7) there are eight stages

DateTime now = RTC.now();

double jd = 0; // Julian Date
double ed = 0; //days elapsed since start of full moon
int b= 0;
jd = julianDate(now.year(), now.month(), now.day());
//jd = julianDate(1972,1,1); // used to debug this is a new moon
jd = int(jd - 2244116.75); // start at Jan 1 1972
jd /= 29.53; // divide by the moon cycle
b = jd;
jd -= b; // leaves the fractional part of jd
ed = jd * 29.53; // days elapsed this month
nfm = String((int(29.53 - ed))); // days to next full moon
b = jd*8 +0.5;
b = b & 7;
return b;
double julianDate(int y, int m, int d){
// convert a date to a Julian Date}
int mm,yy;
double k1, k2, k3;
double j;
yy = y- int((12-m)/10);
mm = m+9;
if(mm >= 12) {
mm = mm-12;
k1 = 365.25 *(yy +4172);
k2 = int((30.6001 * mm) + 0.5);
k3 = int((((yy/100) + 4) * 0.75) -38);
j = k1 +k2 + d + 59;
j = j-k3; // j is the Julian date at 12h UT (Universal Time)
return j;

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