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by (120 points)

Is the SD card accessible on the Color Display TFT with Touch Interface XPT2046? 

I cannot determine if all the required signals are going to the card slot to make it work. Also, is there a good example sketch of file IO to the SD card if it is accessible? 

Thank you very much.

by (19.9k points)

1 Answer

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by (10.3k points)
If you are just referring to the display module then yes, the SD card module is accessible. But the ThingPulse connector board in the Color kit (https://thingpulse.com/product/esp8266-wifi-color-display-kit-2-4/) then no, the SD slot is not accessible. There were simply not enough pins available to connect the Wemos D1 mini to the SD card slot.

Hope that answers your question?
by (120 points)
Thank you for  your answer. Now I will not spend time trying to get SD card access working with the provided connector board. While I believe I would still have access to the LittleFS system on the D1 itself,  I will simply re-think the application of this kit in the environment I wish to use it in.
by (19.9k points)
Yes, the 15MB SPIFFS/LittleFS of the D1 Mini Pro (or 3MB with the D1 Mini) are accessible.

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