I'm attempting to get the Color Weather Station sketch to load and getting stuck at the connecting/connected screen. This is the first time I've used this board after assembling it.
I've setup the Arduino IDE, downloaded the appropriate libraries and configured the environment as suggested and successfully compiled and uploaded the sketch. The wifi parameters appear to be correct and I've double checked the values.
The AP is set for 802.11n 5 GHz.
I can see in my router management software that the device is connecting and receiving a DHCP assigned IP within the expected range:
ThingPulse-weather-station-color | 84:0D:8E:A9:F7:0F | |
My problem appears to be similar to this post: Cannot get Wemos D1 Mini Pro to connect to wifi. Unfortunately I don't have another board to test this with as was the solution.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
10Aug 21:53 Update
I noted that 5GHz was not supported and switched over the AP to 2.4GHz 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible). That appears to get a step further now as the progress bar is now completely filled and "Connecting" switches to "Connected" before rebooting again.